Prophecy given by Randy Shankle  September 2021

Listen to the Word of the Lord, Who among you shall stand in My Presence and be My Mouthpiece says the Lord. Who will come boldly unto Me and open your mouth and let Me fill it.  Let Me once again speak, let My Voice travel the land, let My Voice go across the earth once again. Be bold and full of courage and fear not, says the Lord. Open your mouth and I will fill it, and I will teach you what to say. I will surely show you things to come and you can speak on those matters.  And your voice will prepare My People for a coming of the Lord of a different kind. This is a coming of this time, of the Lord in Spirit, that I may bring forth a cause and a purpose. That I might shake you and shake your cage and rattle you and cause you to stand up and put off the sins and the weights that so easily beset you.  Rise up in this hour, be free and flow freely in my presence, that I might lift you up in this hour and in this time.  And the words that I put in your mouth and the voice that comes forth from you will be My Voice and My Words. They will hear again for I will open the ears of the people again in this nation and they will hear of the terrible Voice of the Lord, they will fear and tremble at my voice says the Lord